Let me tell you about our horses. Smoky was a wild one. He was a smoky color which is how he got his name. One day my dad and I took off on him. I was probably six years old. I was hanging onto Dad for dear life. We went quite far on our ride. We were miles outside of town in the middle of nowhere when for some unknown reason Smoky reared up and deposited us both on the road. (That hurt! Especially since my dad landed on me.) Then he was off. Running. We hitched a ride back to town from a neighbor who saw us walking and crying. Okay, I was crying. Another neighbor found Smoky and back to the pasture he went.

(Blatant misuse of a blog! Grandma Steffie showing off Presley on a pony from this past summer. It's my blog and I can show him off if I want to! Plus all of this will be tied together further down the page.) New readers I have a tendency to ramble...
Since I told you about Smoky, let me tell you about Nugget. Horses are smart animals. And very good actors as evidenced by their appearance in multitudes of movies and in this story. Nugget got his leg caught in a barbed wire fence. He tore his leg up and we had to apply an ointment to it daily. He didn't enjoy that. So, we would come armed with carrots to coax him to us. One day, we all loaded up in our green paneled station wagon and headed out to the country to perform this task. The horses could see us coming, winding our way through the countryside. We could see them from afar, too. The fact that if he could see us, then we could see him, never occurred to Nugget. Smoky didn't bother to tell him either. (Not surprising. Smoky was an "every horse for himself" type of animal.) We watched both of them come running across the pasture with their mane flying. When we got closer, Nugget began his Oscar worthy performance. Like a flip of a switch, he stopped galloping and started limping. I think he even winced a little. He stopped short of turning on the waterworks. (Why the Academy didn't take notice of Nugget is beyond me and one reason why I never watch their silly awards show.)
Those days of horse ownership are behind us now. When we again moved the horses were sold. They lived out the rest of their lives in Southern Illinois as we made our way a little farther north in the Land of Lincoln. Horses are still big in that area. I can imagine today's furniture flip would go over big with the equestrian crowd that makes up Clark County.

Take a gander at this coffee table. We've all seen them like this before. We may have even owned one in our lifetime. Linda from EEK To Chic bought this one off of her friend. It was "plain, boring and scuffed up" according to Linda. As soon as she saw it, she knew exactly how she would remake it.

And this one, where you all marveled at how the pulls seemed to become a part of the guitar.
Linda said this makeover was a challenging one. She used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. As she painted the background she would lay the picture on it to ensure that she was headed in the right direction. It all came together. She decoupaged the poster in place and finished it all with polyurethane.
Check. It. Out.

EEK To Chic is located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. You can find Linda and all of her EEK To Chic creations on her Facebook page. Get over there and tell her you saw her on Furniture Flippin'.
Thanks Linda for sharing your wonderful furniture flip.
Dear readers, you can see your Furniture Flips here, too! Giddy on up and send me before/after pics along with all of the details you'd like to share to furnitureflippin@gmail.com. Your flip might inspire someone.
~ Stephanie
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