She found that desk for $40.00 at an old country store. You read right! $40.00. She snatched it up because she said not only was the desk worth it but the glass on top of that desk was worth that price on it's own. Can you see the details on that desk? No, you can't because it's lost in a sea of darkness. (If you say you can, then come on over. I can't find the earring back I dropped yesterday and I can use your eagle eyes.)
So, Melinda mixed her own chalk like paint using Behr Emerald Green in flat. Speaking of making your own alkchay aintpay, I've got the PERFECT container to store your paint in. These little containers here. You can find them in the freezer section of your grocery store. They come filled with the most delicious gelato. So, you'll have to put in some time and effort in eating it up & then cleaning the container. But, the size and the screw-on lid are great! Since it's been so cold here and I have not been out working in our garage, I've been managing to stock up on these little containers. It's my contribution to "green living". If I weren't eating them, cleaning them and saving them, then probably some pajama wearing to the store person would be buying them up and just tossing the containers not realizing they are perfect for DIY alkchay aintpay. (Disclaimer: not that ALL pajamas out in public people do that. I'm not trying to lump you all together. I'm sure there are recyclers out there who wear pj's to the grocery store although I wish you would stop doing that.)
Back to Star Of The Day Melinda...after painting, she applied two coats of polycrylic and then dark wax. She then added appliques to the drawers and to the front of the desk. She painted them black and then went over them with aged silver. The knobs were given to her by a friend and they set it off beautifully.
I'll show you this view first...

Melinda wasn't ready to call this complete because how can you have a desk without a chair to sit on? She went back to that same country store and found a chair to redo. She painted it to match and recovered the seat in this beautiful fabric. It compliments the desk perfectly.
Now, let's check out the flip side of this desk...
Will you look at that!?! NOW, do you see why Melinda has been standing up here for so long as I rambled about ice cream? She deserves it for showing me up again!! Aye Yai Yai!! Look at the details now eagle eye! Those appliques look like they were MADE to go with that desk. They look like they were there forever.
Hobo Chic is based in Mississippi and she sells her items at the Southwest Vendors Mall in Summit, MS, although this desk never made it there. Why not? Because pretty much as soon as she shared the picture online after it was finished it SOLD! You might recall when I featured an awesome hutch Melinda did back a few months ago. You can follow along with the adventures of Melinda and Hobo Chic on her Hobo Chic Facebook page. Get over there and let her know you saw her on Furniture Flippin'.
Thanks so much Melinda for sharing your spectacular furniture flip!
Oh, Talenti Gelatto did not pay me to brag up their stuff. I just love it. If you work for them, can you hook a girl up? The Sea Salt Caramel is my favorite. Wink, wink.
The rest of you! Don't forget...this blog is currently accepting your witty comments. So get a typing! Dull ones are welcome, too, not that I've found a dull one on here yet.
See you tomorrow!
~ Stephanie
Looks great coming and going!
ReplyDeleteI agree Diane!
DeleteI agree with Diane...looks great coming and going. Creative! Inspiring!
ReplyDeleteMakes me want to run out and find a desk, or maybe I should just pull out a piece from the storage instead. Thanks so much for this blog as it helps us collectors of items to redo to start doing. So, so inspiring.
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome! Remember! Before & after pics! Then send me the info. I'd love to see your work! :-)
Deletei love this turquoise color used! I want to find a way to incorporate it into my home!
ReplyDeleteMe, too!
DeleteI always read the words as they describe the beauty of the finished product love your site!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Janet! I really appreciate it! :-)
Deletethanks so much for featuring my work. I always enjoy reading the stories you write to go with the pictures. You went back to the witty line for seconds!!
ReplyDeleteSshhhh Melinda, don't tell! I redirected a few others out of the line and now all of their jokes fall flat! I feel kind of bad about that. ;-)